one day in your life


Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011

setya in tea plantation ciwalini bandung

possible for some people are already familiar ciwidey areas. because a lot of attraction is there, of whom there are patengan, kawah putih , Ranca upas camp, and some hot water bath and ciwalini Cimanggu as. this time I will discuss ciwalini. ciwalini tea plantation tea plantation owned by the government, not just existing plantations here, but also there are some villas and thermal baths surrounded by tea plantations. ciwalini access road to the villa is very narrow, making it quite difficult for buses to get to the villa. but if you are cycling on this road, it would be nice. road which only has a width of not more than 2 meters, winding, with the rise and fall is not too steep, but long distance. Psychologically, this road will not prevent you when pedaling a bicycle. besides our eyes when cycling will not run away from the scene


Tea plantation ciwalini Bandung is one of the resorts frequented by visitors both from within or outside the country, especially if the holiday has arrived visitors increased by about 50%. as for the interesting part is the atmosphere of cool tea plantations winding road, which extends the vast tea plantations that can be used to feed the family. otherwise it can be used to take pictures.  

other than that when we visited the stricken area ciwalini bandung, there is a hot bath, or garden strawberries affordable price is the price of one kg. Rp. 25,000, and we immediately reap there. other than that along the way are many resting places for visitors to eat or just enjoy the beauty of tea plantations there.

at the time I went to ciwidey after the feast of Eid al-Fitr and indeed the situation in Ciwidey at that time was very crowded with visitors, it's time I visited with the family by using the motor as otherwise use a car have to leave early because of bad, I really enjoy the time the trip was very unusual because all the sights and situations that are very cold makes me not want to go home. I took the time to eat together in the field and turns almost all the people who visit there aiming to eat with tea plantations on land that ciwalini ciwidey bandung. but one thing that caught my attention is when there is fog in the afternoon around the plantation. very beautiful and extraordinary.

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