1. History Of Nyonya Meneer
Medicinal herbs have been known for centuries in Indonesia which was first recognized in the Sultan's Palace, the palace herbal or in Djogjakarta and Kasunanan in Surakarta. Ancient herbal recipes known only among the court and not allowed out of the palace. But along with the development, the environment of people who already have a modern palace, they began to teach dispensing herbal medicine to people outside the palace so that the herb grows up to now not only in Indonesia but only up to abroad. For the Indonesian people, Jamu is a recipe passed down from ancestors to be maintained and developed. Herbal ingredients taken from plants that exist in Indonesia either from roots, leaves, fruits, flowers, and skin. Since ancient times, Indonesia has been known for his wealth, fertile soils with a large expanse of the plant variety. Fertile soil with a wealth of plants greatly affect the lives of the people of Indonesia because they depend of nature in an effort to meet various needs. Land preparation, harvesting crops, natural process not only produces food, but also a variety of useful products for health and beauty treatments. Ancestors we use the recipe made from leaves, roots and tubers to get health and cure various diseases, and other preparations that provide facial and body beauty treatments complete. A mixture of traditional medicinal plants known as JAMU. Indonesia is known as a country in which the number 2 with a traditional medicinal plant after Brazil.
Jamu Nyonya Meneer, the best traditions for the health and beauty
Due to Quality, We excel in every market competitors
- To preserve the heritage in maintaining health and beauty
- Providing quality health and beauty as well as affordable in all walks of life
- health services are made by the community to the wider community
- Participate and assist the government in order to improve human resources by means of empowerment and provision of employment
2. produk of nyonya meneer
nyonya meneer herbal products is a very good product in Indonesia where the mistress of nyonya meneer herbal ingredients have been derived for a long time. and now nyonya meneers reliable products throughout Indonesia and even abroad.
| The following is the product of a superior product nyonya meneer : |
a. amurat nyonya meneer
amurat herbs that are useful for curing gout symptoms are stiffness, or joint pain that is often suffered by men who have worked hard.
| b. telon oil nyonya meneer telon oil is useful to warm the baby's body, or relieve itching due to insect bites. useful addition to aroma oils for babies or children who use Telon.
c. Rhemaneer rhemaneer useful to cure or rheumatic joint disease that can strike from head to toe and usually suffered by adults.
d. medicinal birds' nests
bird cage is made of herbal spices of Java that works to reduce kidney stone disease and other diseases, because the herbal bird cage made of native spices without preservatives. |
e. buste cream nyonya meneer
buste is a herbal cream specially designed for adult women, the benefits Adapaun re-tighten the breast, and the balance of fat surrounding the breast so that our breasts become tight again.
f. singkir angin
singkir angin is made from spices such as ginger can cure wind cold symptoms, nausea and dizziness. Selin get rid of the wind will be very useful for everyone.
g. ginger nyonya meneer
ginger nyonya meneer is made from materials that are useful to maintain body condition and endurance, as well as providing fitness for the body in running activities.
| h. traditional drink nyonya meneers
This traditional drink made from mistress of spices meneers yag made from turmeric, ginger, cinnamon and sour, which is useful to maintain a healthy body.
3. the process of making herbal medicine nyonya meneer
The Production Process of Jamu Nyonya Meneer
a. Dry Simplisia Warehouse
b. Maxing of Formulated Simplisia & Raw Materials
c. Grinding Process (Rough & Fine Grinding)
d. Jamu Warehouse (Jamu Powder prepared for packaging)
e. Laboratorium & Quality Control
f. Physics / Chemistry / Microbiology
g. Pill Powder Jamu Powder /
h. Pill making Process Jamu machine falling
i. Pill wet sorting Jamu Packaging
j. Pill weighing and calculation
k. Pill Packsging
l. Extract Powder
m. Maceration & Filtration Process
n. Evaporation Process
o. Pressing Machine
p. Distillation Process
q. Oven Drying
r. Grinding – fine powder
s. Capsuling process
t. Packaging
u. Quarantine of Finished Goods
v. Laboratory for Quality Control
w. Finished Goods Warehouse
x. Delivery Warehouse
4. herbal ingredients leading nyonya meneers
1. rose

Roses are traditionally used in Western herbal medicine as astringents and to tonify "the skin and the soul". They have a similar standing in Chinese tradition as they are used to combat diarrhea and bleeding, and also to support vital energy. Both Cherokee rosehip and Japanese rosebud (Rosa rugosa) are use in Chinese medicine. Rosa rugosa is regarded as a vital energy and blood tonic for the liver, while Rosa laevigata is focused on the kidney.
:: BOTANICAL NAME : Rosa laevigata :: COMMON NAME : Cherokee rose :: FAMILY :Rosaceae :: PART USED : Fruit (hips) :: TASTE : Sweet, astringent :: CHARACTER : Neutral
MERIDIANS Kidney, urinary bladder, large intestine
:: ACTIONS Astringent, antibacterial, antiviral, reduces cholesterol levels, tonifies uterus.
- to consolidate vital energy and "essence" of kidney - to restrain leakage from the intestines
:: TYPICAL INDONESIAN DOSE 3 - 9 grams ( 1/10 - 1/3 ounce )
:: RECOMMENDED JAMU Bedak Sariawan (Softens the skin, dries up excessive oils) Bedak Jerawat Neera (Prevent, reduces blemishes)
:: COMBINATIONS Used with herbs like Asiabell root, Chinese yam (Dioscorea opposita), and White atractylodes for diarrhoea associated with deficient spleen and with oyster shells for impotence and reproductive problems associated with deficient kidney yin. Also mixed with Amylum Oryzae (Rice powder) and Jasmine floos used for traditional face powders.
2. Nutmeg ( pala )

Nutmeg is familiar in the West as a kitchen seasoning, although it is a very potent herb that can cause delirium in high doses. Nutmeg has been used in traditional Indonesian medicine as a digestive remedy for the spleen and stomach since around.
:: BOTANICAL NAME : Myristica fragans :: COMMON NAME : Nutmeg :: FAMILY : Myristaceae :: PART USED :Seed (nut) :: TASTE : Pungent :: CHARACTER : Warm
MERIDIANS Spleen, stomach, large intestine
:: ACTIONS Antispasmodic, combats nausea and vomiting, appetite stimulant, anti-inflammatory, relieves flatulence and indigestion, digestive stimulant.
- to restrain leakage from the intestines and stop diarrhoea - to warm the spleen stomach and middle 'triple burner' area and regulate energy flow
:: TYPICAL INDONESIAN DOSE 1 - 6 grams (1/100 - 1/4 ounce)
:: RECOMMENDED JAMU Jamu Penenang (Relaxant which reduces temper, heat throbbing and perspiration)
:: COMBINATIONS Used with Scurf pea, Evodia, Schisandra, Ginger, Jujube to relieve "cock crow" diarrhoea associated with kidney and spleen deficiency, and with Red sage, White atractylodes, and Ginger or with Pinellia and Ginger for cold deficient spleen and stomach appearing as chronic diarrhoea with poor appetite. Mixed with Papaya leaf (Caricae folium), Tumeric (Curcumae rhizome), Cinnamon (Burmanni cortex) and other herbs formulated for both men and women who work hard and sometimes have difficulties in concentrating on tasks, it is also effective for those who suffer from insomnia, and are quick tempered.
Both the twigs and bark are used medicinally - the bark is considered to be the hotter of the two and affects central parts of the body, while the twigs is seen as warming the terior and peripheries - in the same way that twigs represent the outermost parts of the tree.
:: BOTANICAL NAME : Cinnamomum cassia
:: COMMON NAME : Cinnamon, Cassia
:: PART USED : Twigs, bark, fruit
:: TASTE : Pungent / sweet
Heart, lung, urinary bladder
Antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, analgesic, relieves flatulence and indigestion, improves heart function, stimulates urine flow.
- to warm the channels and collaterals
- to disperse cold
- to improve circulation of excess vital energy
- to strengthen heart excess yang
3-9 grams (1/10 - 1/3 ounce)
Jamu Sakit Pinggang (Kidney complaints and back pains)
Often used with Ephedra for exterior cold - such as common colds and arthritic problems. Used with Tuckahoe, Liquorice and Red sage for various heart-related problems, including angina pectoris, and with Evodia for abdominal and period pains associated with cold.
Also used with Fennel (Foeniculli fructus), Ginger (Zingiberis rhizome) and other herbs effective for kidney ailments such as: lower back pains, inability to sit for a long time, fatigue, and dizziness.
False Daisy is one of the main herbs that is used in Traditional Indonesian Medicine to nourish yin deficiency's. It is an important liver and spleen remedy in Ayurvedic medicine and is also combined with other herbs in oils to combat hair loss and premature greying hair. In Indonesian folk tradition this herb is used to treat skin problems, such as athlete's foot and dermatitis.
:: BOTANICAL NAME : Eclipta prostata.
:: COMMON NAME : False Daisy
:: FAMILY : Compositae
:: PART USED : Aerial Parts
:: TASTE : Sweet, sour
Liver, kidney
Antibacterial, stops or reduces bleeding .
- to nourish liver and kidney yin
- to clear heat from the blood and stop bleeding
15 - 30 grams (1/2 - 1 ounce)
Minyak Cacap Rambut (Traditional Hair Growth Tonic)
Used with Glossy privet for severe deficiency syndromes, which may be characterized by blurred vision, tinnitus, prematurely greying hair, and dizziness. As a styptic (stops external bleeding) it is combined with appropriate herbs to stop various types of bleeding - with Mugwort, for example, for uterine bleeding; with Chinese foxglove for coughing blood in deficient lung syndromes, or for blood in the urine associated with excess heat.
Also mixed with Aloe, Rose hips, Jasmine and other herbs used for traditional hair tonics.
5. FENNEL Adas
Fennel has been cultivated in Europe since Roman times and the Greeks called the plant marathron reputedly derived from a verb meaning "to grow thin" as it was an early slimming aid. In Indonesia, it has only been used since the eleventh century. The seeds are considered an important warming remedy for stomach problems and are also believed to affect the liver.
:: BOTANICAL NAME : Foeniculum vulgare L.
:: COMMON NAME : Fennel
:: FAMILY : Umbelliferae, Apiaceae
:: PART USED : Seeds
:: TASTE : Pungent
Heart, lung, spleen, stomach
Anti-inflammatory, relieves flatulence and indigestion, circulatory stimulant, stimulates the flow of milk, stimulates urine flow, mild expectorant.
- - to regulate energy and alleviate pain
- - to warm the stomach and middle
- 'triple burner' area
3-9 grams (1/10 - 1/3 ounce)
Jamu Selinjong (Aids digestion and blood circulation)
Used with Cinnamon, Ginger or Magnolia officinalis for problems associated with cold in the stomach - including colicky pains, poor appetite, indigestion and vomiting.
Mixed with Javanese long pepper (Retrofracti fructus), and other herbs good for both men & women which keeps the body fresh, healthy and strong, it improve sleep and appetite, facilitates bowel movements and aids indigestion, also regulates blood circulation.
6. GINGER ( Jahe )

Fresh ginger is used as a warming remedy for wind-cold chills. Dried ginger has a more tonic action. The peel of fresh ginger root is used as a diuretic. It is suggested in Asian traditions that long-term use will "enable one to communicate with the spirit". Ginger is widely used in Indonesian traditional medicine to reduce the toxicity of other herbs.
:: BOTANICAL NAME : Zingiber officinale Roxb.
:: COMMON NAME : Ginger
:: FAMILY : Zingiberaceae
:: PART USED : Leaves
:: TASTE : Pungent
Heart, lung, spleen, stomach
Combats nausea and vomiting, antispasmodic, antiseptic, relieves flatulence and indigestion, circulatory stimulant, induces sweating, expectorant, relaxes blood vessels, topically: increases blood flow to the skin causing reddening.
+ Fresh Ginger
- releases the exterior,
strengthens defensive energy,
- and disperses cold
- warms the middle 'triple burner' part of the body.
- reduces toxicity of other herbs
+ Dried Ginger
- restores yang
- warms spleen, stomach and the lung, and resolves phlegm
3-9 grams (1/10 - 1/3 ounce)
Jamu Ngeres Linu (Body aches, rheumatism, insomnia)
Used with Liquorice and Ginger for cold deficient stomach syndromes; with White atractylodes for deficient spleen; and with Pinellia and Panax ginseng for deficient cold. Ginger is used with Pinellia for vomiting and damp phlegm and with Jujube for external wind-cold.
Also mixed with Turmeric (Curcumae rhizome), Key turmeric (Panduratae rhizome), and other herbs for both men and women who work hard, it eliminates body aches, such as: backaches, inability to sit for a long time, premature fatigue, and insomnia.
7. ginseng

Ginseng is Asia's most important energy tonic and it has been used for more than 5,000 years. During the seventeenth century a delegation from the King of Siam presented Louis XIV with a highly prized root of ginseng. The herb has been extensively researched and is now known to be rich in steroidal compounds that are very similar to human sex hormones - hence its reputation as an aphrodisiac. It is also often used singly as an all-round tonic to restore energy.
:: BOTANICAL NAME : Panax ginseng
:: COMMON NAME : Korean ginseng, Red Ginseng
:: FAMILY : Araliaceae
:: PART USED : Root
:: TASTE : Sweet, slightly bitter
Spleen, lung, heart
Tonic, stimulant, reduces blood sugar & cholesterol levels
- to replenish vital energy
- to tonify spleen and lung
- to generate body fluids
- to benefit heart energy and calm the spirit
3-9 grams (1/10 - 1/3 ounce)
Jamu Sehat Perkasa + Ginseng (Improves male vigour and kidney energy)
It is used with White atractylodes, Tuckahoe, and Liquorice for deficient spleen and stomach energy linked to poor appetite, diarrhoea, and vomiting. It is combined with Schisandra, Chinese foxglove or Ophiopogon japonicus for breathing problems linked to deficient lung or kidney energy.
Also used with Ginger (Zingiberis rhizome), Tumeric (Curcuma rhizome), and other herbs recommended for men who experince loss of energy, tiredness, shortness of breath and backaches.
8. aloe vera
Aloe vera extracts are used in the West externally for soothing burns and skin sores while internally the plant is increasingly marketed as a tonic remedy. It is strongly purgative (it was once known as "bitter aloes") and is a household standby for constipation. In Indonesia it has been used as a draining remedy since the eleventh century. |
:: BOTANICAL NAME : Aloe vera L. :: COMMON NAME : Aloe FAMILY Liliaceae / Aloaceae :: PART USED : Leaf juice :: TASTE : Bitter :: CHARACTER : Cold MERIDIANS Liver, stomach, large intestine :: ACTIONS Purgative, stimulates bile flow, wound healer, tonic demulcent, antifungal, stops external bleeding, sedative, expels parasitic worms. :: TRADITIONAL INDONESIAN USES - to purge heat and fire in the liver and large intestine - to move stools - to strengthen the stomach :: TYPICAL INDONESIAN DOSE 1 - 2 grams (3/100 - 7/100 ounce) :: RECOMMENDED JAMU Shampoo Aloe vera (Normal and dry hair) Aloe Tonic Lotion (Closes purifies pores, normal and dry skin) :: COMBINATIONS Aloe is used with herbs like Baical skullcap and 'Long Dan Cao' for excess heat in the liver channel associated with abdominal pain and headaches. Also mixed with Rose hips, Jasmine and other herbs used for Traditional Hair Tonic
9. RHUBARB - Kelembak

Rhubarb is literally known as "big yellow" in Chinese due to the colour of its root - used mainly as a purgative, much as it is in traditional Western herbal treatments. The plant was first brought to Europe by Arab traders and was erroneously thought to originate in the Middle East - hence its common name of Turkey rhubarb.
:: BOTANICAL NAME : Rheum rhabarbarum L.
:: COMMON NAME : Rhubarb
:: FAMILY :Polygonaceae
:: PART USED :Root and rhizome
:: TASTE : Bitter
Liver, spleen, stomach, large intestine
Purgative, antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, lowers blood pressure, lowers blood cholesterol levels, stimulates bile flow, stimulates urine flow and stops or reduces bleeding.
- to drain heat including damp-heat and excess heat in the blood
- to invigorate blood circulation and clear blood stagnation
- to detoxify fire poisons
3 - 12 grams (1/10 - 2/5 ounce)
Jamu Galian Singset (Slimming, to make the body more firm)
Used with Coptis chinensis and Amur cork tree for abdominal distension and vomiting due to excess heat or heat in the blood; with Cinnamon for chronic constipation; with Panax ginseng and Ginger for diarrhoea or constipation associated with spleen yang deficiency; and with Gardenia, Bupleurum falcatum, and Amur cork tree for internal heat and damp syndromes.
Also mixed with Betel nut (Arecae semen), Long tumeric (Curcumae domesticae rhizome) and other herbs formulated to achieve a slim and firm figure.
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Klabet Fenugreek is a popular culinary herb that is regularly used in Middle Eastern and Oriental cookery. It is avery warming herb and is therefore an ideal remedy for treating all sorts of colds and chills that affect the abdomen, as well as acting as a excess tonic for the kidneys. In the Middle East the plant is known as hilba and it is used to counteract period pains and colic.
:: BOTANICAL NAME : Trigonella foenum-graecum
:: COMMON NAME : Fenugreek
:: FAMILY : Leguminosae, Papilionaceae
:: PART USED : Seeds
:: TASTE : Pungent, bitter
:: CHARACTER : Very warm
Antiparasitic, laxative, stimulates milk flow, demulcent
- to warm the kidneys and dispel cold
- to relieve pain
3-9 grams (1/10 - 1/3 ounce)
Singkir Angin + Ginseng (Extra strength to fight wind pain symptoms)
Used with Fennel for hernia-like disorders as well as for period pains and with other kidney herbs, such as Scurf pea, for pain and cold in the lower abdomen and back.
Also mixed with Ginger, Peppermint, Fennel, plus Ginseng. Take as required for the relief of fatigue, insomnia, flatulence, nausea and cold symptoms, such as; headaches, lethargy and feverishness. Also recommended for maintaining vigor and good health whilst working hard and travelling, particularly at night.
Herba Mint is traditionally used in the West to make mint tea and is added to milk to prevent it from curdling. In Asia it is regarded as a prime remedy for superficial "wind-heat" problems - such as feverish colds, irritant skin rashes, or the early stages of flu. It has been used medicinally for 1,500 years.
:: BOTANICAL NAME : Mentha arvensis
:: COMMON NAME : Peppermint, Field mint
:: FAMILY : Labiatae / Lamiaceae
:: PART USED : Aerial Parts / herbs
:: TASTE : Pungent / mint
Liver, lung
Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antipasmodic, analgesic, sweating, relieves flatulence & indigestion..
- disperse wind & heat evils.
- clears the head and eyes and
- clears the head and eyes and gives good spirit.
- encourages the eruption of skin rashes as in measles.
- disperses stagnant liver energy and relieves depression.
2-6 grams (7/100 - 1/4 ounce)
Jamu Singkir Angin (Relief for common cold and flu)
Used with Forsythia, Honey and other herbs in the dassic formula, which is a basic remedy for wind heat syndromes. It is also mixed with Chrysanthemum, Burdock and other herbs to treat headaches and sore eyes associated with wind problems.
Also mixed Peppermint, Fennel, Stingky plant and Ginger effective for all problems of "masuk angin" and wind damp such as : flatulence, headaches, sick, dizziness, tired and cold.

False Daisy is one of the main herbs that is used in Traditional Indonesian Medicine to nourish yin deficiency's. It is an important liver and spleen remedy in Ayurvedic medicine and is also combined with other herbs in oils to combat hair loss and premature greying hair. In Indonesian folk tradition this herb is used to treat skin problems, such as athlete's foot and dermatitis.
:: BOTANICAL NAME : Eclipta prostata.
:: COMMON NAME : False Daisy
:: FAMILY : Compositae
:: PART USED : Aerial Parts
:: TASTE : Sweet, sour
Liver, kidney
Antibacterial, stops or reduces bleeding .
- to nourish liver and kidney yin
- to clear heat from the blood and stop bleeding
15 - 30 grams (1/2 - 1 ounce)
Minyak Cacap Rambut (Traditional Hair Growth Tonic)
Used with Glossy privet for severe deficiency syndromes, which may be characterized by blurred vision, tinnitus, prematurely greying hair, and dizziness. As a styptic (stops external bleeding) it is combined with appropriate herbs to stop various types of bleeding - with Mugwort, for example, for uterine bleeding; with Chinese foxglove for coughing blood in deficient lung syndromes, or for blood in the urine associated with excess heat.
Also mixed with Aloe, Rose hips, Jasmine and other herbs used for traditional hair tonics.
5. museum herbal of nyonya meneer
Museum Jamu Nyonya Meneer Semarang Indonesia is the first herbal medicine in Indonesia, established in 18 January 1984.
This museum is a public museum, established and initiated to fulfill the ambition for preserving all cultural objects relating to 'jamu' and that it will be developed to be in line with the function of other museums that is as an exhibition outlet.
In general, Museum Jamu Nyonya Meneer divided into 2 (two) parts:
A. This part displays the personal collections of Nyonya Meneer.
B. This part displays the production of jamu and everything relating to the production of 'jamu' in the traditional way.
Our further ambition is if this museum has been successfully arranged and developed it will fulfill its designated function that is being a public mirror to the mightiness and fertility of our beloved Motherland.
6. problems experienced by PT. Nyonya meneers
A. lack of international standardization for herbal ingredients, so the herb meneers women can not compete in the international world.
B. number of foreign competitors offering more low prices and simple.
C.promotion is less on the community
D. loss of public confidence because of the number of charlatans or illegal.
7. competitor
8. news strategi for increase nyonya meneer brand
A. create ads using pigur artist or public speaking as a medium for promotion, for example, SMASH, tukul arwana, or other successful people.
B. registered nyonya meneer herbal medicines become an international standard that will take the potion meneers women to the international community.
C. Put an advertisement on the internet, especially on social networking sites like facebook, twitter, foursquare, etc.
D. Making creative advertising on television, banner and radio.
E. do not use chemicals in the manufacture of herbal medicines, thereby retaining the authenticity of herbal flavors nyonya meneer, that is by using the original herbal ingredients that have been used since.
F. The original shop opened concoction nyonya meneer groundwater throughout the region and internationally.
G. promote the re-PT museum potion nyonya meneer in Hyderabad as a training center medicines.
H. spread feature of herbal medicine, by empowering the seller carrying guava throughout Indonesia.
I. I will create new and better packaging, elegant and luxurious
J. and the last one I will give discounts to the buyer at herb shops scattered throughout Indonesia
9. Advertising